Tuesday, December 05, 2006


For a post which comes after what seems like eternity, this is not really starting out pretty. Actually, I don't have anything in particular to be pissed about, nor am I especially unhappy about anything in my life; but this is my rant and I damn well intend to use it.

I know what you (or anybody who is reading) is thinking. That I am a perpetually dissatisfied type of a soul and cribbing about the wrongs in my life is my passion. In my defense I would like to say this - BITE ME !!!

Recently I read an anecdote if you will, about how life finds meaning in the most unlikely places, and about the mysterious ways god works in. Made me ponder upon certain things about people, the need to dramatize trivial events. May be its not people, may be its my generation, well mine and my antecedents, we belong to this "chicken soup" generation. It's like there is this longing for "life changing" events and every one wants to have their's. Everyone wants to feel the rush, the adrenaline... the hair standing on end, everybody wants their "oprah moment" with a nod from the audience, the oohs and the aahs.

This almost makes the why to my cribbing rhetorical. I crib, because I like things when they are simple, uncomplicated. Accept that such is life and deal with it. Sudden realizations about god's mysterious ways just illustrates the sedated state in which the herd leads its life. God is omnipotent, has mysterious ways and by the time I finish typing this sentence, a thousand movies being watched by a billion people, a thousand books being read by an equal number of people, a thousand books being authored by obscure and the not so obscure writers will have blared that same message a very large number of times. SO WHY THE F*** DOESN'T ANYBODY GET IT?? what necessitates the need for these "moments"?

I could go on ranting about this forever, but I have calls to make, and add to that...there is one other fact which needs mentioning at this point- Mine is also a generation of the Page 3 and of being "with it"

1 comment:

Ronak said...

nothing "spiritual" or "oprahized" about thes moments...these just come, leave a short-lived impression and leave..doesnt make much of a difference later...nothing life changing in particular...a fucked up mind is all it takes to necessitates to come across these "moments'....