Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The sky is falling . . .

Ok, this post is purely a by product of sheer and unadulterated boredom. Now, poetry isn't exactly my forte; neither is it exactly in the same zip code as my understanding, so I am going to refrain from putting any over here.

Boredom presents itself in weird ways. I have been bored doing something interesting, at other times I have been riveted to something most might find, to put it nicely - vanilla. Right about this time I realize that this talk is magnifying my level of boredom.

I guess this blog is serving its exact purpose, my rants are being documented. I figure, somewhere down the line when I am older and wiser these rants and these posts will be like light houses on my road to introspection . . . or at least tiny humorous (to me..screw you !) chronicles of my life.

Rumor is a funny thing, as I realized today. All the things about it being a destructive force and such are too cliched now, and I see no point in pontificating on that. I think its funny . . . period. As to why it is funny, that is a discussion for a time when I am in the mood.

Mental note: Writing a blog is more difficult then I thought it would be.


Unknown said...

so u finally took the plunge....:)

Anonymous said...

yea i'd bet it would be slightly difficult.. been tryin gto start one myself.. hehe