Sunday, June 10, 2007

!&$@#* Pissed !!!

If ever I felt that life had a cruel sense of humor it is now. Merely four days have passed since my new found optimism and I feel the dark side, the sith if you will, beckoning me. The reason for this - my hard disk, the repository of all my "time capsule"ish paraphernalia crashed. Four hundred gigabytes and the last seven years worth of packratting gone in an instant by an aberration in behavior of simple storage medium.

Extremely peeved that I am at this moment, I cannot help but regret all those times in the very recent past when I considered backing up my data. But even at 4.7 GB/DVD it would still take me almost 100 DVDs to save it all. You may say that all of my data can't possibly be all important. That my dear friends, is an argument which does not make sense to a packrat. Oh the blasphemy, how can one even pose such a question !?! If it wasn't important, it wouldn't be on my hard disk in the first place.

Extreme vexation leads often leads to a tirade of dissatisfaction, mostly at the cause of the said vexation. Ergo, I shall return to the pursuit of salvation from my current predicament.


Anonymous said...

so I guess you have never heard of an external harddrive?

Unknown said...

why two blogs ?