Sunday, August 13, 2006

The thin line between my boredom and yours. . .

One of the most common uses of basic geometry I have found was in the most unexpected places - moderately serious conversations. Thin lines are thrown here and there to give an air of intellect to the conversation. (Purists can go to hell; I know there are no thin lines in geometry). Here’s presenting a list of thin lines I have heard or seen being used, I know its s short list…but as I grow older I think I can add more to the list.

Thin line between bravery and stupidity.
Thin line between sanity and insanity :P (and it appears that am treading it)
Thin line between discussion and a debate.
Thin line between an argument and a fight.
Thin line between living and existing.
Thin line between agnostic and an atheist.
Thin line between a believer and an agnostic.
Thin line between flirting and sexual harassment.
Thin line between metrosexual and homosexual. (according to Urban dictionary not even that much)
Thin line between Heavy metal and noise.
Thin line between ignorance and apathy.
Thin line between genius and madness.
Thin line between self respect and pride
Thin line between borrowing and stealing ( :D )
Thin line between love and hate
Thin line between hero and a dead man.
Thin line between boy friend and boyfriend.
Thin line between girl friend and girlfriend. ( apparently in both cases I think its called a hyphen)
Thin line between tidy and being obsessive compulsive.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The sky is falling . . .

Ok, this post is purely a by product of sheer and unadulterated boredom. Now, poetry isn't exactly my forte; neither is it exactly in the same zip code as my understanding, so I am going to refrain from putting any over here.

Boredom presents itself in weird ways. I have been bored doing something interesting, at other times I have been riveted to something most might find, to put it nicely - vanilla. Right about this time I realize that this talk is magnifying my level of boredom.

I guess this blog is serving its exact purpose, my rants are being documented. I figure, somewhere down the line when I am older and wiser these rants and these posts will be like light houses on my road to introspection . . . or at least tiny humorous (to me..screw you !) chronicles of my life.

Rumor is a funny thing, as I realized today. All the things about it being a destructive force and such are too cliched now, and I see no point in pontificating on that. I think its funny . . . period. As to why it is funny, that is a discussion for a time when I am in the mood.

Mental note: Writing a blog is more difficult then I thought it would be.