Monday, January 08, 2007

Confessions of a (somewhat) poetic mind

In my first post I said poetic musings aren't exactly my forte, well that might have been proved wrong (or not). While trying to back up my hard disk, I recently came across a few of my poems. This one being the cynosure of them all. For two reasons; One, because for the love of god I have not an idea what I have written as in the idea behind it which is probably why it is incomplete, and two, because I only vaguely remember writing it. So if anybody can make anything out of it, please feel free to annotate.

Edit: Its funny that when posted, the silhouette of the body of this poem or thing or whatever, looks like a hookah pot. :)

Staring at the ceiling, listening to the drip
The drone of the machines, their beeps high pitched
The hiss of the breather, barely oblivion it gyps
Wanderlust in his mind, the gone it tries to filch.

Reels of yore, hastily they unroll
Chaos reigns, dissociation & upheaval
Monsters unearth, goblins and furor
Fragments flying, wonderment revealed

And then some, out of the blue came
A child, skin so soft, eyes divine
No sin, no guilt, no regrets, no pain
Nativity, an odyssey soon maligned

Apparitions of antiquity though,
Of the child, with a glow angelic
Riddled the sheet of
Came the shimmer mesmeric

Coruscation of the simulacra
And probity in its wake
Like a puzzle so magical
The reels now bore some shape.

Fragments no more, a tale soon unfolds
Of strife, of survival, of conviction, of victory
And of regrets, of losses and of acts not so bold
A tale so very common, for every bourgeoisie

Nothing out of the ordinary, ever did he achieve,
Save a life, or find a cure for an ailment fatal
Nor was he blessed with serendipity
Became a thorn in his mind, ever so perennial

Trivialization of events innumerable
Paved the way for the conundrum
Obscurity gulped an ambition insatiable
Pride departed, enter mediocrity and some.

Events, from the day, ever so ordinary

Friday, January 05, 2007

Happy New Year.. yea sure..

As is pretty obvious, I have been tardy in joining the "new year bandwagon". Five days of the new year have passed, and i think now would be about perfect time to post something before the new year wears out its welcome.

This new year or at least its advent was by far the best I have ever had - I celebrated it. Pune became the unlikely (or may be not so unlikely) location of my New year celebration. The last day of 2006 went by without much hue or cry, nor did it seem to drag along as I half expected it to..i mean it is the last day, wouldn't it want to last longer? And as the clock struck midnight, i had my tryst with a sort of a realization. I was happy, for I was with the love of my life in the very first minute of the new year (though, the lingering thought that somewhere else the new year had already started a few hours back was ever present); but the more I looked around, the more I realized that nothing earth shattering was actually happening. I was in the Pune station area, on a slightly elevated level, which I was happy to assume was my apotheosis.

Though in the distance all around me there were those coruscating fire crackers, right underneath me there was life going on as usual, people carrying on as if nothing had happened, no celebrations no excitement, no zeal, no signs of life other than the most ordinary ones. Yes, the station was alive, but the life in it seemed to come from the hum-drum and banal activities of the people, and not from celebration of joy of the new year. Asiad buses packed with people entered and exited the bus station nearby, Autowallas hunting for people to scalp, an eunuch going about doing his thing, the traffic moving at its slow Pune pace.

To all who might think that the juxtaposition of such antithetic ideas might have been cathartic to my nature or anything. All it did was stifle my enthusiasm a little bit, nothing which being with Aditi can't cure. Two minutes later, I was back with Aditi, and we continued our celebration. After all, its hard to stay mad (or sad/apathetic in this case) when there is so much beauty around you.

You have no idea what I'm talking about, I'm sure. But don't worry... You will someday.